World's first floating steel court for padel tennis has opened in Miami

This innovative project is located in Miami harbor, near Fisher Island. It is a transportable structure measuring 5 by 11.7 meters and weighing 84 tons.
Padel tennis, a mixture of big tennis and squash, is rapidly gaining popularity. Now it can be played on the world's first floating court located in the middle of the ocean. What makes this court special is that it is made of recycled steel used in shipbuilding.
In addition to its sustainable design, the structure operates without motors or batteries, adhering to the developers' eco-friendly principles. The complex includes the court itself, security fencing, lampposts and a platform for spectators.
The court will be temporarily in Miami until May 25, after which it will be moved to its permanent home in Exumas as part of the Yntegra project in the Caribbean. It is expected to become an additional attraction to attract tourists.
The project is unique. However, it remains an open question as to how protective conditions will be provided for balls and racquets that may end up underwater