The ALPS project: a house of the future that folds like origami
The ALPS company from China has presented a project of a portable house. The development was named Infinity Mobile Architecture.
It represents the concept of an adaptive house capable of adapting to different conditions - from urban landscapes to mountain ranges. The system allows you to quickly and easily create a dwelling in any location and climate, minimizing the impact on the environment.
The construction of the dwelling is made of lightweight materials. This reduces the environmental impact during its transportation and construction. The retractable skeleton folds up for easy transportation and expands to form a spacious living space once it arrives on site.
The frame is made of high quality lightweight aluminum and the walls are made of soft fabric. The design allows it to withstand a wide range of temperatures from -5 to +40 degrees.
Inside, it has a spacious interior with a dynamic ceiling that not only maximizes the living space but also lets in natural light during the day. For now, Infinity Mobile Architecture is only an idea. Whether it will be realized is not yet known.
Pavel Ryzhikh
79 subscribers
8 months ago
China has come up with car power banks for electric cars
You don’t have to look for a charging spot, you can stand in any available one and call the thing up.In some parking lots the stations are brought by employees, and somewhere there are fully automated ones that drive up themselves
Artem Vershinsky
81 subscribers
7 months ago
South Korea has created a maneuverable and stylish semi-submarine
South Korean company Raonhaje has introduced a new boat called EGO. It combines functionality and stylish design.
The EGO boat looks like a catamaran and consists of two floating hulls with a transparent cabin located below the waterline. Entrance to the underwater compartment is through a hatch and ladder on the upper side of the boat, providing convenience for passengers. The model is capable o
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