Melody is a humanoid robot that looks frighteningly similar to a human. And it's even more frightening in the way its creators describe its benefits.

The main feature is modularity. The face can be removed and replaced with another. The robot has recreated eyeballs, teeth, gums, fingers - everything down to the smallest detail. Any module can be reprogrammed, replaced and modified, and the company is ready to do this itself, customizing the robots to meet the needs of customers.

Why is this necessary? They say something about working at the front desk to greet guests and “checking on patients” in hospitals. But such a robot can only talk by integrating with ChatGPT, and it can't walk at all, only ride on a platform.

The future is still vague. Judging by the official website, depending on the equipment such a piece robot will cost from 10 to 200 thousand dollars