Japanese scientists from the Jouhou System Kougaku Laboratory at the The University of Tokyo have taught the Musashi humanoid robot to drive a car. In the robot's head there are two movable cameras (one for each eye). With their help, the robot gets a high-quality picture of what is going on around it. The cameras can rotate and tilt, for example, so that Musashi can look in a mirror. Using its arms, the robot can control the steering wheel, turn on the ignition and turn signals. It presses the gas and brake with its two feet. While driving, the robot was able to recognize a pedestrian and brake in front of him. But not everything went so smoothly. It had a hard time making turns and took much longer than a normal driver. Scientists will continue to refine the robot. The main advantage of this approach is that the car does not need cameras, lidars and other sensors and technologies for unmanned driving. Musashi can drive a regular car, effectively replacing the driver