Former professional basketball player Kylin Shaw, in collaboration with the startup Hippos Exoskeleton, presented a unique device - knee pads with an airbag function. This gadget is designed to protect athletes, construction workers and the elderly from injuries. It is able to provide additional protection for knee joints. The new kneepads are equipped with technology that monitors the load on the knee and activates the inflatable cushion in just 30 milliseconds. This provides instant protection against serious injuries such as meniscus and anterior cruciate ligament tears. Using artificial intelligence, the device analyzes movements in real time. It is able to identify potentially dangerous actions and activate protection if necessary. The first tests have shown positive results. Users noted that the gadget gives confidence and a sense of security. The cost of the kneepads is expected to be $129. A subscription to use them will range from $29 to $99 per month