China has developed the world's first intelligent robotic whale shark

China Shenyang Aerospace Xinguang Group, part of the Third Academy of China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation, has unveiled the world's first intelligent robotic whale shark. This bionic fish, which is 5 meters long and weighs 350 kg, can swim at a speed of 2.41 km/h, reproducing the movements of a real whale shark.
The robot is equipped with 7 actuated joints, requiring complex calculations and sensors to control the movements. The shark has many advanced features, including a wireless remote control and the ability to program a swimming route. It can dive to depths of up to 20 meters and perform water quality monitoring and underwater terrain mapping tasks thanks to advanced optical cameras and positioning systems.
According to designer Gao Chao, it is the largest bionic creature created to date. After the successful launch of the project, the company plans to expand its range of bionic ii-robots, including guinea pigs and dolphins for marine operations and scientific research.